In August, Belunai??i??s Early Warning, Early Response (EWER) system continued monitoring for violent incidents and changes to the securityAi??situationAi??across Timor-Leste.Ai??After a dip to only 90 incidents in July, the EWER system recorded 110 incidents in August. In two serious incidents, the leader and three members of the banned Konsellu Revolusaun Maubere group were shot and killed by a jointAi??police-military operationAi??in Venilale, Baukau. The EWER system also recordedAi??above-average totals ofAi??incidents thatAi??wereAi??perpetrated by young people, that involved groups fighting other groups, andAi??that resulted in property damage. For more details and a statistical breakdown of all incidents recorded in August please read the full situation review.